I must have disobeyed God at some point. I thought he told me to work on this old house of ours, but I must have misunderstood. We're really in need of an ark! Last month I finally found someone willing to put a new roof on my house for a price that I could afford. The whole affordability issue has come up as we've spent way more money on materials than we thought, but that's the story of everything I've done or had done on this house. So my roofer, who was recommended by a friend at Eastminster Church, began work about a month ago. It was very cool that he involved up to five highschoolers from Peabody (the nearest city school) in doing the roof. Really, though, we have one guy who knows what he's doing, and his son, who is still learning. Everything has been done well, but it's all taken a long time. They took the slate off the house about a month ago, all off it at the same time, so we wouldn't have to have multiple dumpster costs. Just before they started we were in the first stages of drought, really not much rain in May and June, usually there's a ton. Well, we've have extrememly hot, humid weather and a massive weather front stalled right over top of our area, meaning strong thunderstorms with heavy rain. We've had leaks all over the place. I've spent hours up in the attic moving buckets around, seems like every day for the past week. The weather channel is now my favorite station. One night it rained so hard, there were leaks with so much water that I could barely keep up with them. Then, the lights went out. Pitch black, no flashlight (that's my stupid fault). We'll just say we did get some damage that night, far less than I imagined was happening as I sat on my bed at 2am listening to running water throughout my house.

Good new - almost half the roof is shingled! It's still raining, but the leaks are less and less. It's just been amazing how much rain we've had since they tore off the old roof!


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