Mexico: Part 5 (Our Part in Worship)

This will be a short post. One of the most memorable experiences for me in Mexico was helping to lead worship. I preached on Sunday morning, that was great, I'll write about that later. Three or four different times during the week Quinn, Nate, Roger and I had the opportunity to lead through music. We usually began the worship time since our stuff was mostly in English and not as high energy as the Latino stuff. It was powerful though. I am not a confident worship leader. The first song we did was a surprise, Quinn wasn't even ready to sing. I sang it and it went ok. Quinn, I later learned, had made a decision not to lead in worship, though she has a great voice and has experience singing in bands. This week forced her out of her comfort zone. She did an amazing job and has said she wants to continue singing and leading worship. Roger had to play an electric guitar that was so bad the strings could have given him lock-jaw, good thing we all had tetanus shots! And poor nate, his bass kept shocking him! Something was wrong with the amp and kept sending electrical charges to his hands that evidently were pretty painful. All this considered, God used our rag tag bunch of musicians to transform and bring glory to him, maybe most of the transformation was in the four American musicians and not the hundreds we were supposed to be leading. That's ok.


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